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2.0 很差

分类:恐怖片 西班牙 1983

主演:Paul Naschy Julia Saly Lo 

导演:Jacinto Molina 


《極度恐慌1983》是由知名导演Jacinto Molina 执导的一部恐怖片,Paul Naschy Julia Saly Lo 等倾情出演,该片讲述了:  PANIC BEATS b egins with a  total ly nude woman w ith welts o n her body,  running through a misty forest full of deca  yed  skeletons. A  knight  on hor seback is chasing her, and we soon learn  that he i s Alaric de Marnac (a wicked  character Naschy first created for HO RROR RISES F ROM THE TOMB), viciously kill ing her  for her   unfaithf ul ways.  After the credits  role, we are taken to the present w here a d escendent of Marnac named Paul ( Naschy) is marrie d to the wealthy  Genevièv e (Julia Saly) was has some seriou s hear  t problems. Paul  decides to take  her to his a ncestral home in t he country for some peace and quiet, but the superstitiou s-filled setting op ens a Pandora’s Box of  terrib  le occurrences.  We soon d iscover that Pa ul is a real son-of-a-bitch who  plans t  o scare hi s wife to d eath, planni ng t  o control her  fortune and continue his secret affair w ith seducti ve bad girl Mireille (Silvia  Miró), who  happ ens to be the niece  of the tarot card-rea ding housekeeper, Mabi le (Lola Gaos). Paul’s malevolent scheme works , but he still h as to worry about an additional money-hu ngry  mistress  (this guy really gets around !), the unforgiving Mabil e, as well as new fianceé Mi reille w ho migh t be hiding a thing or two herself. More gris ly mur ders follo w, and the ghost of Marnac returns from  hell  to puni sh the most despicable human character in the fil m.  PANIC BE   ATS was also w ritt en by Nasch y (under his real name Jacinto  Molina ) who injects th  e film with  an old-fashi oned spooky house m otif, beefe d up with a mo  dern movi e sense of  violence and sexuality. The film  offers nothing too innovative sto rywise, an d even Naschy a dmits on the disc’s extras that it was  partly inspired by GASLIGHT and REBECCA,  but he seems to just toss in a   hodgepodge o f exploitation  and horror   ingredients, while  delive ring a stylis h and enjoyable effort with  a number of twists and some genuine ly chilling mome nts. The   camera  shots and lightin g are bot h effective, and there& #39;s ev en does a cool set-up  (much like wha t Freddie Francis d  id in THE SK ULL and THE CREEPING F LESH) where we see the point of vie w of Marnac  through his da rk helmet as h e stalks his  female pr ey. Graphically, we are exposed to every thing from a plate of blo ody eyeba lls, to victims b eing beaten relentl essly  with the various Medieval wea  pons affixed on the house’s walls (fo r example, some one is  axed in the stomach, followed by   the s oaked entrails oo zing out!). Naschy’s most  frequent  1980s leadin g la dy, Jul ia Saly,  is not give  n much to d o, but with  her offbeat looks, is a nice presenc e nonetheles  s. The promin ent  fema le star here is   Silvia Miró who is seen in the buff frequent ly, and she certainly m akes  for so me well-appreciated Euro st  arlet eye  candy. Naschy himself  is very go od in th e film, putting on c  onniving fa cades, carr ying a number of women on a s tring, being a rea l malicious  bastard, an d for the umpteenth time in h is career , pl aying two  role s in a one film.   http://www.dvddrive -in.com/reviews/n-s/panicbeat s8283.htm  宁知意点头,“他现 在每次来,都是从这里进 。”说到这里,她想到什么,现场给她复制了一枚玉简,“ 陆望老祖参与了仙上楼三百六十 八家的禁制改造 ,他在各店都弄了一个 随机传送阵,你记住各店传送阵的位置,以后出门遇到危险,寻就近的仙上楼,百里内随时可定位传送。”


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