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主演:耶日·斯圖爾 克裏斯提娜·楊達 卡裏娜·謝魯斯克 馬裏烏什·德莫霍夫斯基 馬雷克·瓦爾切夫斯基 揚·諾維茨基 亨裏克·比斯塔 萊昂·涅姆奇克 克茲佐夫·馬紮克 斯坦尼斯瓦夫·伊加爾 

《等待方舟》是由知名导演皮奧特爾·舒爾金 执导的一部科幻片,耶日·斯圖爾 克裏斯提娜·楊達 卡裏娜·謝魯斯克 等倾情出演,该片讲述了:  Set  in an  underground dunge  on in habited by b undled, ragged human be  ings,  afte r the nuclear holocaust. The story follows the wande rings of  a hero through the situations of surv ival.  People wait for the Ark to arriv e and resc ue them while their  habi tat falls apart.  Delving  deep into the dust  y and  long abandonded vau lts   of b-cinema in searc h of lost gems always leaves me with  a bittersweet taste.  On one ha nd t he discover y of unexpected g ems where no one w ould think them possible is a rewarding exper  ience. O n the other hand though it makes on e wonder how many  of these re  markable low-b udget  odditi es,  perso nal love aff airs of dir ectors never quite famous and now all but forgo tten, have almost f orever slipp ed from mem ory?  n any case  what we  have here is a li ttle post-apocalyptic gem from Poland that is really bet ter than it ha s any right  to. The   dystopian near fut ure of  O-BI, O-BA finds a group of survivors of the nuclear war that rav  aged th e Earth inhabiting an underworl d concrete bunker and bidin g their tim e as they wait for the myst erious Ark, an air ship of s ome kind tha t will come and save them. The Ark proves to be an ela bora  te hoax, ca refully designed to  give hop e to the malnour ished  and despe rate den izens of the bunker,   while in the  meantime t he do me that sepa rates their miserable  existence from t  he nuclear  wint er outside i s slowly caving in.  What first st riked me about  the movie is the design of  the bun ker and the depiction  of th e su rvivors . The survivors are gaunt, filthy a nd te rrible-looking penitents, dressed in rags  and aimlessly wandering the neon-lit halls of th e bunker like automato ns. The  bunker is a rundow n, seedy plac e, with bright neon ligh  ts peering from all side s like th e ey es of mali  gnant be asts.  On one hand it is a sl ightly 80's depiction of the  dystop ian future but  the mo vie never stoops  down to MAD  MAX cheese . Inste ad it combines  biting p  olitic al s atire with the bleak outlook of a wor ld with no future, black comedy wit h barbs on apathy, religion and p  ower. The  survivors, for  example, are fed some kin d of flou r dropping from a tube that h overs in th e air -  later on we discove  r the fo od supervisor uses books a nd the  Bible itself as filler fo r this meagre meal.  Ther e are many  such  short sym  bolic touches, perhaps n ot life-c hanging or faith-rest  oring, yet playful,  clever and inspire d.  One th ing i s for sur  e; O-BI, O-BA is not your run-of- the-mill  sci-fi schlo ck. It overcomes its modest budget with creativi ty and has genuine artistic  aspi  rations both from a writi  ng and  directing perspect ive. My opinion is th at it should have be en filmed in black and white instead of  colour thoug h. The direc tor uses atmospheric light and shad  ow to great effect and  it wo uld have registered even better in stark black and white . The blu e-gre en neon on the other hand outstays its welcome after a w hile. Just a minor  gripe in an otherwise solid b-m ovie with it s heart set in a  ll the right places.  Ima gine a l ess bleak THE ROAD (Cormac McCa  rthy)  being in jected with  the satire a nd humour of DR.ST RANG ELOVE a nd you're gettin g there. See it if you can  find it.  陆灵蹊搂住小家伙时 ,心里软软的, “我们也好 想你,放心,爷爷会上来的,青 主儿和葵葵也会上来的,以 后还会有 敖象、小贝他们,对了, 他们也有礼物给 你噢,神神秘秘地封 着,也没让我 看,回头你瞅瞅,要是宝石什么的,也分我两

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